May Updates 2023
Expanded Lottie Support
Lottie exports now support compound paths, compound path masks, masks on group layers, and group layers as masks.
Improvements & fixes
Controllers align to their origin point instead of the controller UI bounds for a more intuitive user experience.
Added prime characters to the supported type set, expanding the variety of characters you can use.
Multiline capabilities have been added to text variables, offering more flexibility in your text handling for Remixes and Variables.
The search input is now highlighted when opening the effects/behaviors panel.
Improved the undo action to account for layer duplications using keyboard shortcuts.
The shape tool now remembers the last shape you created, enabling you to create shapes with a single click instead of navigating through the dropdown menu.
Fixed a bug that allowed project owners to revoke their own access to a project.
Fixed an issue where leading whitespaces were not trimmed on new line breaks.
Text layers are no longer editable when they have an incoming connection.
Resolved an issue that led the concat block to cause a crash when a property value was linked to a block input.
Moving a layer out of a group now disconnects connections to layers within the group.
Fixed an issue that prevented canceling exports from the export panel.
Resolved a bug that allowed users to scale text layer dimensions to an irreversible 0 width or height.
Fixed a bug that prevented adding points to shape or position paths after adjusting a point’s vertex mode.